
A Lack of Nutrition Can Cause These Common Dog Problems

With so many dog pet food products on the market, it can be hard to know what to choose. Some people shop by the brands they know, while others let price guide their choices. You might even prefer some food types over others, like kibble, canned, raw, or dehydrated.

With so many offerings lining the shelves of your local grocery or pet food store, it’s only natural to be overwhelmed. However, if you were to shop for the brands that offer the most nutritional value, you might be able to avoid these common problems:

Poor Skin and Coat

It might be time to start exploring a new dog multivitamin product or even a new everyday food for your dog if you’ve noticed their skin and coat are not in the best condition. Pay attention to the dullness of the coat and whether the skin underneath is dry and flaky. Sometimes, that can indicate that your dog isn’t getting enough nutrients.

Omega-3 fatty acids can often be among the most common nutrients missing from a dog’s diet. These can be found in flaxseed oils and fish. Fortunately, most high-quality dog food brands now include these fatty acids to reduce the deficiency risk.

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While diabetes in dogs tends to be genetic, it can sometimes be a secondary condition related to inadequate nutrition. Insulin-resistant diabetes means the pancreas produces insulin, but the dog isn’t using it as they should. This form of diabetes tends to be more commonly linked with older, obese dogs.

Obesity and pancreatitis are both risk factors in diabetes, with pancreatitis also often linked to a poor diet.


Pet obesity is described as an epidemic in the United States, with one study finding that more than half of adult dogs seen across 1,000 pet hospitals in 2019 were considered overweight or obese. Our eagerness to spoil our pets with tidbits and treats undoubtedly contributes, but the quality of the food we’re feeding them might also play a part.

Many lower-grade food brands contain a great deal of soy and corn, which can often have an imbalance of nutritional value to calories. Dogs sometimes have to consume more of this food to get the vitamins and minerals they need, resulting in more caloric intake than they require.

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The pancreas is an organ that releases enzymes when they reach the small intestine and helps with the digestive process. When a dog has pancreatitis, those enzymes activate upon release, resulting in inflammation and damage to the pancreas, other organs, and surrounding tissue. The enzymes can even try to digest the pancreas, resulting in pain.

There can be many causes of pancreatitis, like medications and even a genetic disposition. Miniature schnauzers and terrier breeds can sometimes be at an increased risk. However, a high-fat diet is one of the main ones. Obesity and dietary indiscretion also contribute, with the latter basically meaning your dog will eat anything and everything!

As tempting as it can be to buy the dog food you know or the brands that offer the best value for money, consider making nutritional value your priority. When your dog gets all the nutrition they need, they might be at a reduced risk of some of these uncomfortable conditions above.

Lestre Zapanta

Lestre Zapanta, affectionately known as "THE Pinoy Dog Whisperer," is a renowned dog behavior expert boasting a remarkable 15 years of experience in the art of training dogs and their loving families. With an exceptional skill for deciphering and understanding canine signals, Lestre has established himself as an authority in the field.

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