Are you a horse lover who has trouble finding the best and winning horse names? No need to search further for that – the Pet Rescue Blog is here to help!
Choose the criteria that suit you (gender, length of the name, letter, the character of your horses, color, or even your hobbies) and discover a list of names for horses that will surely suit your horse perfectly. Hundreds of names are available! It’s up to you to choose the one that best suits your horse companion!
How To Choose a Name For Your Horse
The horse is a noble, beautiful, and intelligent animal that will quickly assimilate its new name. Horses are creatures of habit and that is why repetition is a key factor. Unlike other animals, horses have a special sensitivity for everything related to understanding and communication.
Horses are able to interpret human feelings and sensations despite the fact that they cannot communicate with us. They are also able to feel emotions such as sadness, joy, and fear. We don’t have enough examples to tell you how important it is to find a good name for our horse. Horses deserve all the affection and respect that we can offer them, and that starts with finding a beautiful name for your horse:
- Choose an easy-to-remember horse name
- Easy to pronounce with a clear sound
- Avoid a too-long horse name (no more than 18 letters)
- Avoid vulgar or bad names
- It should be pleasant to listen to and should be easy to pronounce
- Do not choose a confusing name
- Make sure the name matches the spirit of your horse
Horse Names By Gender
When you do your search for the best name for your horses, definitely you will consider some characteristics. Choosing your horse’s name by gender is the best choice. To make it easy, we list about 200 names for your mare, stud, gelding, or colt.
Female Horse Names

The name for female ponies must be evocative and friendly. It can draw on the world of comics, children’s cartoons, and fruit. A name that must be child-proof / that also indicates a horse’s character. You can also play with the size of the pony which contrasts with eloquent names such as “majestic” or “divine”.
Continue reading and discover good names for female horses and mares to get inspired! We hope that you will find a name that will arouse your curiosity and in which you will recognize your new friend or your new best friend, and if this is not the case, you will find a little below a list of mixed names.
Name | Name | Name |
Aquamarine | Agate | Alabama |
Babe | Bella | Breeze |
Bridget | Cherie | Calliope |
Circe | Cleopatra | Clio |
Crescent | Dakota | Goddess |
Delice | Diana | Diva |
Dolly | Dora | Dorotea |
Duchess | Elena | Ester |
Faith | Fable | Fauna |
Fly magic | Flora | Fortunata |
Frida | Gaia | Galaxy |
Gea | Geneva | Glory |
Grace | Hecate | Hera |
Impetuous | Isolde | Janie |
Jane | Jasmin | Jewel |
Kora | Lady | Lady Marian |
Legend | Dragonfly | Firefly |
Moon | Jellyfish | Majestic Spot |
Misla | Mister | Moon |
Moonlight | Mystery | Nike |
Nebraska | Nevada | Nike |
Nikita | Nymph | Peggy |
Penelope | Petra | Rain |
Spring | Princess | Priscilla |
Ray of light | Rain | Real Lady |
Pink / Black rose | Roxy | Dew |
Storm Storm | Blizzard | Tzarina |
Lightning | Sasha | Seraphia |
Simba | Syria | Sofia |
Smeralda | Snowflake | Witch |
Viktoria | Viper | Zoe |
Mare Horse Names
A noble and proud but also delicate creature for which it is important to respect it already from the name to which it is intended. Below is the list of horse names. Hopefully, one of these will be suitable for your companion.
- Cherry
- Countess
- Cristal
- Divina
- Dolly
- Emy
- Esmeralda
- Fedora
- Filomena
- Fiona
We’ve published a comprehensive user guide on the best horse clippers for body clipping, Explore now.
Male Horse Names

You search for a name for your new horse or pony. We, therefore, offer you many ideas that you may like. All first names are listed in alphabetical order.
Below is a complete list of equine names for males and we hope that you will be able to find one that surprises you and you like it. If not, keep reading and try to get inspired by the list of unisex names for horses.
Name | Name | Name |
Aaron | Acacia | Ace |
Ace of Spades | Achille | Achitaka |
Acorus | Acoustics | Babar |
Babou | Beyblade | Bibo |
Bicolo | Big evening | Bullitt |
Bulup | Cactus | Cadichon |
Caesar | Calgary | Calico |
Caliente | Calimero | Calimino |
Eragon | Erion | Evan |
Ezior | Falko | Flopy |
Furioso | Ginko | Hans |
Hans | Lorca | Magnificent |
Matisse | Ozo | Peru |
Philou | Piccolo | Robin |
Romeo | Scotty | Sinbad |
Sweedam | Tiago | Tippi |
Udrine | Urak | Whisper |
Yannis | Zingaro |
Horse Names By Coat Color
The coats of horses have an extraordinary variety that differs both in color and in some characteristics such as spots or shades.
If your companion has a pure coat color either black or white, we collect some great names so you can select the best names for your horses by color for him or her.
Black Horse Names

Here is a list of names for black horses. We hope this can be useful for finding ideas with which to find a great name for the horse.
Name | Name | Name |
Acorus | Acoustics | Babar |
Babou | Beyblade | Bibo |
Hans | Lorca | Magnificent |
Matisse | Ozo | Peru |
Impetuous | Isolde | Janie |
Jane | Jasmin | Jewel |
Kora | Lady | Lady Marian |
Smeralda | Snowflake | Witch |
Viktoria | Viper | Zoe |
White Horse Names
Below is the list of names for horses with white coat color, we hope one of these will be appealing to you.

- Ace
- Achitaka
- Babar
- Bibo
- Bullitt
- Cadichon
- Calico
- Calimino
- Evan
- Flopy
- Magnificent
- Peru
- Robin
- Sinbad
- Tippi
- Whisper
Horse Names Kentucky Derby
- Long Range Toddy
- Country House
- Tacitus
- Plus Que Parfait
- Master Fencer
- Maximum Security
- Vekoma
- Haikal
- By My Standards
- Code of Honor
- War of Will
- Bodexpress
- Spinoff
Unique Horse Names Ideas
If you search for unique horse or mare names, here is a list of unique horse names.
- Acoustics
- Beyblade
- Lorca
- Ozo
- Isolde
- Jasmin
- Lady
- Snowflake
- Viper
- Jane
If you want to go the extra mile and find the most unique name for your horse, think about the things that surround you and turn on your imagination. For instance, your horse’s name may be derived from your barn name. Or it can be the name you’ve found on the dog names list, why not?
Horse Names By Breed
To choose the name of a horse, several factors must be considered, including first of all the breed of the equine (Arab, American, thoroughbred, Indian, Argentine, Spanish, pony etc.), its age, the color of the coat, a horse’s character and the discipline to which it will be destined.
Horse Names Western
Horses are very sensitive animals that know how to interpret mood, feelings, emotions, and human sensations. Below are listed names collected through research from different sources. Choose one of the best western horse names you think your companion will love.
Name | Name | Name |
Annabelle | Annie | Arizona |
Arrow | Babs | Bailey |
Bella | Bess | Betsy |
Blaze | Boots | Charlotte |
Cowgirl | Curly | Dawn |
Duck | Dumplin’ | Grainger |
Jolene | Justice | Kate |
Maybelle | Morgan | Paisley |
Rawhide | Rose | Sally |
Starr | Sundance | Tulsa |
Horse Names Indian
Race Horse Names
Are you a fan of horse races and looking for more ideas on how to name your race horse? The best option here is to scout the lists of famous race horses and look for inspiration there.
Also, it’s worth mentioning that the horses names must comply with regulations. As a rule, many horses who participate in races must obtain a registered name. So it’s wise to research the breed association’s regulations for names first.
Choosing a perfect name that complies with regulations might be hard, so we compiled this comprehensive list of the best horse names for you:
- Tempest Shadow
- Velvet Rose
- Frou Frou
- Spirit
- Silver Charm
- Damascus
- Big Brown
- Ferdinand
- Scout
- King
Those are just a few great names for race horses. If you want to find more ideas, try searching for the best horse names on horse racing websites like your local jockey club.
Funny Horse Names
Oftentimes, when you’re choosing a nice name for your equine friend, you can go a bit funny. Horses are noble, but it doesn’t always mean that if you own a couple of welsh ponies, you can’t name them Tom and Jerry. Or if you’re the proud owner of a few pinto horses, you cannot name them Milky Way and Oreo.
Here are some of our favorite horse names in this category:
- Hay Girl Hay
- Shoe Crew
- My Little Pony
- Pony Tail
- Lady She
- Seinfeld
- The Lord of the Barn
- Pinto Bean
- Kid
- Colt Forty-Five
- Gluteus Maximus
Famous Horse Names
We wanted to reserve a special section for all these famous horses that have been part of popular history or culture. So, if you are looking for elegant horse names with a story behind them, you will find those below:
- Sleipnir: In Norse mythology, Sleipnir was a gray eight-legged horse capable of reaching the Hel, the kingdom of death. It belonged to the god Odin.
- The Trojan horse: although it is not a horse of flesh and blood, the Trojan horse is particularly popular because of its history. It was a horse-shaped object that the Greeks used to carry the soldiers and enter the fortified city of Troy.
- Rocinante: this is the name of Don Quixote’s horse, the protagonist of “Don Quixote de la Mancha”.
- Kolstomer: protagonist in “Kolstomer: the story of a horse” by Tolstói.
- Bayard: popular in Gesta songs, in the Christian Middle Ages, Bayard was half horse and half fairy.
- Spirit: he was the protagonist of the film “The Spirit, the indomitable horse”.
- Marengo: it was probably one of Napoleon’s best known and most famous horses. He was Arab and was imported directly from Egypt.
- Sterope: In Greek mythology, the horse of the sun-god Helios.
- Tornado: it was the horse of the “Fox”, present in various films and books.
- Gripoil: in the “Lord of the Rings”, Gripoil was a horse loaned by king Théoden to Gandalf.
- Palomo: it was one of Simon Bolivar’s horses, although it is doubtful that it is the real name.
- Pegasus: In Greek mythology, Pegasus was the winged horse of Zeus, born from the bloodshed by Medusa, after Perseus had cut off his head.
- Pegasus: In Greek mythology, the name Pegasus was owned by the winged horse of Zeus, born from the bloodshed by Medusa, after Perseus had cut off his head.
Did this blog help you to choose a great name for your equine friend? Share with us in the comment section.
Tips for Caring for Horses
When choosing the perfect name for your horse, it’s also important to consider their care and maintenance. Horses, like any other animals, require clean living spaces to prevent issues like dirt and animal stains from building up in their stables or on their coats. Regular grooming and cleaning not only keep your horse looking great but also ensure their overall health and hygiene.
Thanks for sharing… I chose “Nike” for my horse