Currently, there is a great diversity of cat breeds throughout the planet, some are the product of artificial selection or crosses of specimens and others of genetic mutations. For this reason, we have large, small, hairless, tailless breeds and there are even species of cats with atypical colored fur.
Domestic cats are felines that belong to the Felidae family, a subspecies that was domesticated by humans for their coexistence. The scientific name of the cat is Felis silvestris cat us, although it is popularly called Michi, Mizo.
An interesting fact about this species is that they communicate through a series of vocalizations that humans find pleasant. In fact, this is believed to be the reason why domestic cats make more sounds than wild cats, as a way to adapt. The best-known vocalizations are the meow and purr; but equally, it can growl, snort, howl and moan. In the same way, common cats are capable of adopting poses that convey their intentions or their mood.
When we want to adopt a domestic cat, many times we search among the types of felines for images of beautiful cats with the idea of choosing the best one.
However, this selection should not only be based on their physical appearance or photos of cats; we must also consider their temperament and the care required by the chosen breed or even know the harlequin cat personality before going for a purchase decision. In addition, we must not overlook the importance of providing cat food that meets their specific nutritional requirements.
Meet Some Types Of Breeds
It is difficult to know how many cats breeds there are in the world, as breeders who are skilled in genetic crosses are working to create new breeds; with different features and characteristics. However, in a general way, we have collected some of the most attractive breeds of cats.
The Skookum is considered an experimental cat breed. It is a beautiful cat that is genetically related to the LaPerm and Munchkin breeds; so it has its short limbs and a curly coat; distinctive features of its predecessors.
It is a specimen with a round neck, curly whiskers and eyebrows, very expressive eyes, and a generally robust build. They are also ideal as pets, as they are loving and sociable.
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These cats originated from a natural mutation. They are native to Turkey, a country where they symbolize purity and are considered the national cat. They are characterized by having a dense, long coat that is very soft to the touch.
Although they are usually white, there are also reddish and black. They are beautiful, intelligent kittens and have long and robust bodies. They also enjoy the tranquility and the company of their caregivers, which is why they are very given to caresses.

Turkish van
These cats turn out to be excellent companions, as they are friendly and highly intelligent. Their distinctive trait is that they like to bathe and enjoy the water, which is why they are commonly called Turkish swimming cats. They have a semi-long coat that covers their muscular body.
They are white, with distinctively colored tails and heads. They also have blue or amber eyes or one of each color.

Among the small cat breeds, this is the one that identifies the smallest feline of all; since their average weight is 1 to 3 kg. They have a round head with large ears and their short fur is usually bicolor; with a light and a dark hue. They are also distinguished by their small and sweet face. In addition, it is a cat with a balanced, affectionate temperament and enjoys pampering and the company of its family.
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Russian blue
Among the types of cats, the Russian blue stands out for being an animal with a majestic bearing. Likewise, it is a quiet, sensitive, noble, and faithful cat to its master; so he is able to develop an extraordinary bond of affection with his family.
He usually enjoys pampering, although he also prefers solitude to rest. They have a robust body, with long legs and a distinctive silver coat; short, fine, and double-layered.
American lynx
The American Lynx is a species that resulted from a scientific breeding program, which resulted in a cat that looks like a wild lynx. These animals have muscular, robust, and strong bodies. Likewise, they have a leopard and reddish fur with different shades.
They adapt easily to a home, although they require space to channel all their energy. They usually make sounds similar to that of lynxes and although they are generally sociable, some may have unstable behaviors.

Legend has it that the history of Burmese cats dates back to the time when they were animals worshiped by Buddhist monks; for this reason, they are considered as the “sacred cat of Burma”. It is a breed that is characterized by its blue eyes and by having its legs, tail, and ears in a dark color, in contrast to its light coat. Likewise, they are balanced animals that do not tolerate loneliness or excessive noise.

Siamese cat breeds native to Thailand. It is one of the species of cats with an elegant and athletic demeanor. They have a medium build, eyes always in intense blue, and a fur that characterizes it: tail, ears, and legs in a dark tone and the rest of the body in a light color.
Their character is outgoing, demands attention, tends to be a bit noisy, and does not like solitude. In addition, they are long-lived cats with high life expectancies.

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Maine Coon
The Maine Coon is considered the only long-haired cat breeds native to the United States. It is also a breed of large domestic cats with outstanding hunting skills. They have strong musculature, thick legs and their coat of hair is long, dense, and thick; so it needs periodic brushing. It is also a fur that resists snow and water. In addition, it is a friendly, playful feline, enjoys the outdoors and hunting.

Sphynx or sphinx
The sphinx cat is a very peculiar species since, unlike its feline felines that usually have fur (either short or long), this specimen lacks hair. It only has a thin layer of thin hair, so its skin is practically exposed to the naked eye; Likewise, it is characterized by having wrinkled in some parts of its anatomy.
Since it does not have hair, it is essential to protect it from cold or excess heat. It is also a muscular and long cat, with great agility, playful and intelligent.

Abyssinian cats are native to Africa, it is one of the best-known and easy to care for. They are sociable, affectionate, silent, and elegant animals, who like to share with people and other pets.
They have a medium-sized body and developed musculature, making them good climbers. Likewise, they are short-haired cats with distinctive stripes that characterize them.

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Although it is not one of the typical Spanish cat breeds, Persians are one of the most sought-after in this country. It is an animal of great beauty; with long hair, a round head, a snub nose, large eyes, short legs, round ears, and a large tail. There are several varieties of Persian cats: white, Himalayan, chinchilla, and exotic. They are animals that require the daily brushing of their fur, given its density, and also need cleaning of their eyes.

These cat breeds arose through the intervention of man, after making various genetic crosses. The description of a purebred Bombay cat could be summed up like that of a small feline that resembles a panther. To do this, it must have a short coat, shiny jet black (no white spots), and copper or gold eyes.
These specimens have a medium size, a muscular build, a short muzzle, a rounded face, and an affectionate temperament; so they are sociable with people, other cats, and also dogs.
The Ragdoll is one of the strongest and largest cats, so it has an imposing appearance. However, he has a calm, confident and relaxed temperament; He is also a tolerant and faithful feline with his caretakers. It has an attractive coat, silky, of medium length and we can see it with a great variety of patterns and colors. Because it is a breed with abundant hair, it needs daily attention.

British shorthair
This cat is a specimen originally from the United Kingdom. It has a robust build, with a short coat that does not require constant maintenance. Likewise, we can find it in a wide variety of color combinations. Compared to other very active breeds, it is a less curious cat with a calm temperament.
He is also friendly, loyal, and affectionate with the people who take care of him and likewise, he gets along well with other animals.

The Savannah is a hybrid feline, the result of crossing a serval (African wild cat) with a domestic cat. Therefore, it has an exotic appearance and reminds us of a leopard. These cats possess innate agility, a slender, tall body, and long legs; so they are capable of jumping heights of up to 2.5 m. Its personality may vary from one specimen to another; some are sociable and affectionate, while others snort and growl at strangers.
The vast array of cat breeds worldwide showcases diversity stemming from artificial selection, crosses, and genetic mutations, resulting in various sizes, coat types, and even atypical-colored fur. Domestic cats, scientifically known as Felis silvestris catus, communicate through vocalizations like meows and purrs, adapting to human coexistence.
In conclusion, capturing memories through videos or learning about different cat breeds enhances our understanding and appreciation for these feline companions, each contributing to the rich tapestry of the world of cats.