All the caring cat owners in the world have asked themselves the question: is my cat happy? And how to make him even happier? When we know how sensitive the cat is, we understand the issues behind this primordial question, after all who would not want his pet to swim in happiness?
The good news is that a cat doesn’t need a lot to be happy and that happiness doesn’t necessarily come from material goods. A good diet composed of high-end kibble, a little calm, a living space adapted to its breed and a lot of love: here is the recipe for happiness for your cat!
How do you recognize a happy cat?
We lend the cat a cold, distant and very autonomous nature. If the cat is indeed a rather independent animal, he also enjoys spending time with you and the first sign of a happy cat is a cat who seems to alternate with pleasure between periods of solitude and moments in your company.
If the animal seems comfortable under all circumstances, you have already taken the first step and can be proud of yourself. There are many other signs that can show you that your cat is very happy, so open your eyes and decode your cat’s signs of joy, whether physiological or behavioral:

The happy cat closes its eyes and folds its paws
What a funny sign isn’t it? Our anthropomorphism would never have put us on the right track since in humans the fact of closing our eyes rather corresponds to the need to escape a situation or simply to sleep. However, the cat blinks when it feels good. Are his eyes half-closed when you sit next to him and he puts his paws under him when he falls asleep? This means that he indulges in well-being and that you have won everything!
The happy cat rubs against his master
6 a.m., you are awakened by hungry meows and walk into the kitchen in a half-sleep wondering what happened to you adopting a little feline. Upon noticing you, your cat is rubbing against your legs. To signify his hunger do you think. Yes, but not only, by rubbing against you, he deposits pheromones on your ankles which testify to his confidence in you.
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A happy cat purrs
With (very) rare exceptions, a purring cat is a happy cat. If when he sees you he starts purring, or every evening spent together on the couch turns into a concert of purring, you can be sure your cat is very comfortable in your company!
A happy cat eats well
Or rather, a depressed cat no longer eats, so if your cat is eating properly and even seems to be enjoying receiving their favorite kibble , you can conclude that your cat is very happy. Why not satisfy him even more by offering him treats that are as good as they are healthy?
A happy cat grooms itself
As with the question of food, grooming is not something special for the cat since these little felines are famous for their cleanliness, to the point that they are the origin of the term “toilet. of cat “. Having said that, a cat who is depressed or badly in his skin completely neglects his hygiene and the quality of his coat. If your cat washes and takes care of him, that’s a pretty good sign of his mental state!
A happy cat is playing
Cats are very playful animals that have intense phases of activity. If they also appreciate calm, a cat that is spending its languid time on the couch should alert you. Conversely, if your cat is playing and, better yet, claims that you play with him, it means that he feels good about himself and has energy to spare.
The happy cat strokes you
The happy cat caresses you in his own way, kneading your thighs. Some argue that this practice could be due to hasty weaning, but if your cat pokes her claws when kneading you, you can take the thing for what it is: a proper hug.
The happy cat shows off
We agree, the fact that the cat shows us its buttocks is not encouraging from our human point of view, yet it is a sign of considerable affection. This is also the case when he presents his stomach to you, although we agree, it is much more pleasant.
The happy cat with the erect tail
This sign should be combined with other physical manifestations since a straight tail in a cat with erect hair that spits all the time, we agree that this is not a good sign. That said, if your cat is purring or walking around looking confident and with its tail cocked slightly upward, it means he’s happy.
The happy cat brings back prey
Your cat loves you, is happy to live with you and wants to prove it to you more than anything. He is therefore delighted to find you a beautiful and precious gift. Except that the definition of gift varies slightly between humans and cats since the latter are keen on small rodents or small birds freshly slaughtered especially for you. If your cat lays a small bloody prey on your pillow, know how to appreciate it for what it is: a proof of love. Then remember to close the door to your room.
The happy cat gives high-pitched meows
Cat meowing: upset cat, you say to yourself? It all depends, meowing in cats has many meanings including the expression of joy, especially if your cat meows high-pitched and her meows are accompanied by rubbing and purring and dilated eyes for no reason. Like a dog, your cat celebrates you!
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The happy cat invests in the life of the home
Your cat asserts its presence in your home? He greets you in the morning and seems to say goodbye to you in the evening? When you are at home, is he “in your paws”? This means that he or she feels comfortable and integrated into your home and enjoys being around you. Cats are independent, but they live their moments of calm in close proximity. If your cat is isolating itself, you better worry about it.
How can I make my cat happy?
But exactly, how can I make my cat happy? The answer is quite simple and it often takes just a little nothing for your pet to be comfortable with you and your family.
Respect his pace and needs: We think, wrongly, that a cat is an animal that requires little maintenance and that we can take anywhere. However, the cat is a sensitive animal whose needs differ according to the races and the individuals. This little feline needs stability and the slightest change can have a heavy impact on his morale.
It is therefore imperative to ask yourself about your motivations before adopting a cat and what you can really offer them. Of course, no one can predict with certainty the next 15 years to come, but it is important that you are able to ensure the well-being of your pet. Also choose the breed carefully according to your habitat, since some are very happy with living in an apartment when others need to go outside.
Arrange your living space and plan several spaces for your cat
Set up a sizeable play area (invest in a scratching post and a cat tree if you live in an apartment or the cat has no access to the outside) and a quiet and warm space. Your cat should feel safe, but not bored.
Pay attention to it
If games and the arrangement of a space that is both fun and comfortable are important to your cat, his happiness will not be done without his owner (s). Behind its independent airs, the cat is in fact in great need of attention.
Be sure to play with him regularly, for example with specially adapted small toys and do not hesitate to renew (or rotate) your toys even if he does not need to have many at the same time.
Take care of him
This rule seems obvious, yet the well-being of the cat also depends on his physical comfort and his health. Take care of his diet by offering top-of-the-range croquettes that are both tasty and adapted to their age and physical condition .
Brush it regularly (daily for long-haired breeds, once a week for short-haired breeds), file its claws and clean its eyes if necessary. These simple little toilet habits often prevent much more serious ailments.
Make an annual routine visit to the veterinarian to check in and check for any problems. If you notice anything unusual, don’t wait to contact a professional. Your cat should be able to trust you and feel that you will be there for them if anything happens to them. This is the basis of his security and happiness.
The cat is an affectionate animal which hides its sensitivity behind a sometimes detached attitude. By reading the signs you will be able to tell if your cat is happy. This happiness can be maintained through small, simple things. Safety, affection, well-being and respect, these are the keys to feline well-being!