Grinding or Trimming nails is a constitutive part of dog grooming because the dogs also rely on the same way to get information from the nerves present in the toes to judge the gravity, like other animals. Nail grinding is one of the fine processes of grooming your dog and also their paws.
There are many groomers available for trimming dog nails and they perform this task for particular owners. If you want to trim your dog nails yourselves and avoid to visits these expensive groomers, then you will need a dog nail grinder.
Why is it important to cut your dog’s nails?
Normally dogs wear their nails down when walking on the hard ground. This might not always happen so we should check them ourselves to see if they are too long. If a dog’s nails grew excessively they will be unable to walk properly and comfortably. They begin to adopt awkward postures leading to serious health problems such as sprains or injuries to their paws. Also, the nail can grow so long that it burrows into the skin leading to pain and potential infection.
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How often should the nails be cut?
A dog’s nails should not exceed the pads of their paws as soon as we see them start to approach the end of the paw pad. It’s time for a trim.
How To Grind Your Dog’s Nails At Home?
First, you will need your own Trimmer. You can find them on Amazon. You will also need a dog. In the event of an accident, you may also wish to have Styptic (a powder to stop bleeding) on hand. Look for the pink quickly inside the nail and be careful to avoid it. It is very sensitive and will bleed if cut (That’s what the styptic is for). Ideally, you want to practice touching your dog’s paws so that they are used to it.
You want to trim enough of the nail so that it does not scrape the ground when they walk. The nails should look relatively straight when you are done. Curved nails can press into your dog’s paws and hurt them. This is why regular nail trimming is important. This took lots of practice.
Which Position Is Best For Trimming Your Dog’s Nails:
Here are some hold positions that might help you.

- This position allows you to see the nails clearly and at the same time gives your dog some freedom.
- Make sure to practice hugging beforehand. You may have to hug your dog to keep them from squirming away. we try to allow them to have some degree of movement so that they are more comfortable.
- Try to round the edges of the nails so that there are no sharp points.
- You should also try to trim from the front of the nail to avoid sensitive areas. Remember, even the calmest dog can have bad days. Try to keep your dog comfortable and relaxed. Remember to reward your dog’s good behavior afterward.
- Use your legs if needed to help keep your dog under control. This way, you can keep both hands free while controlling an energetic dog! Don’t forget to check back feet.
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How to get your dog used to grinders?
- The first step, of getting your dog used to one of these is just having it around your dog pet your dog with it you know give them some treats known.
- The next step is just to turn it at the lowest speed and just pat your dog with it you know just dumb don’t try to tenth trembling nails then when your dog gets used to that turn it up to high-speed pat them with that and you can treat your dog while you’re touching them with the grinder. If you got a dog that has a lot of real fuzzy paws a lot of hair on its paws you might want to use the guard.
- Then the next step to getting your dog used to it touching them on the paws take your time to get your dog used to the grinder. It’s something that you can do is hold the nail a little bit better that way these grinders not vibrating it so much because you just try to touch it without holding it.
- All right so we’ve been working on this and now it’s time to introduce first grinding so what we have to turn this and grab the paw just touched it once. so let’s do that again we’re just going to keep repeating it nice and slow this is kind of the basics of how we introduce the trimmer to our dogs.