Like other animals, the growth of the nervous system and psychological aptitudes in dogs occurs in a number of stages. Of course, the pup does not open its eyes in the world with all its mental abilities developed already. The period when your pup is 3 to 7 weeks old, he is at an interesting age as he is now particularly sensitive and has emotional responses. He is ready to get started with socialization. This is the time normally when primary socialization takes place. But what if your pup has passed that age and you want to socialize him now? Here in this blog, I discuss key points describes How To Socialize a Puppy.
Table of content
- Is it too late to make socialize a puppy?
- What does socializing my senior pup means?
- What will be the starting point to socialize my senior pup?
- How can I safely socialize my senior pup?
- Why should I make my senior pup socialized?
- Conclusion
Let’s discuss
Is it too late to make socialize a puppy?
Well, of course not. It may prove a little bit tricky to get your pup socialized when he is; let’s say, 15 weeks old but it is not too late. The period of 3 to 7 weeks of age for pups is normal and ideal to get started.
However, this does not mean that you can stop after that or that you cannot begin after that. It is very essential to carry on the progressive social involvements and making your pup familiar with new experiences.
What does socializing my senior pup means?
Socialization of your pup means familiarizing him with the world around him. Socialization gets impacted immensely by the environment he is feeding on. Puppies before entering their adult life are very adaptive. They get used to the environment in which they are growing.
If you are thinking that your pup is no longer a pup but he is a “senior” pup now. Also, if you are satisfied that he recognizes your voice and come to eat his meal and this is enough socialization for him.
Know that this is not at all socialization. Vocalization is the most noticeable social behavior of puppies. What I mean to say is that only feeding your pup cannot define his social behavior.
Now you may have come to the point when you ask yourself, “Okay, how about I take my pup out for a walk daily and let him introduce to all the people there?” Well, socializing is more than that. It is more than a meet and greets. What is actually about is that how well the exposure and curiosity due to those meet and greets have developed in the pup.
In simpler words, you don’t have to have a lot of people and pets to let your pup meet. In fact, you have to take care of the happiness and excitement of his involvement that he experiences.
What will be the starting point to socialize my senior pup?
You do not have to start doing multiple things at a time right at the beginning. This can make your pup even more friendless because you are not taking care of his comfort zone. Here is a list comprising the units to which you must nicely start making your senior pup familiar with.
- Random People; people in the park, working or sitting, men or women, known or unknown, you name it.
- Other’s pets
- Handling; physical interactions with other people, for instance touching for vet visits, training, patting, etc.
- Vehicles and other moving things
- Various sounds; you can do this home via television or your mobile too.
How can I socialize a puppy when he become senior?
Below are the points to socialize a puppy when he become senior.

Arrange meetings once a week to introduce your senior pup to different people. Now, remember that your pup is senior now, and arranging gatherings all of a sudden may prove to be overwhelming for him. Proceed slowly. Invite your friends to your place.
If your friends or other relatives also own a pet, ask them to bring their pets too. Also, go to their places. Let your dog get familiar with different setups. Make your pup meet children and the help working at your friend’s and relative’s places.
Walks and Rides
You can do this daily. Take your pup out for a walk in your own free time. Dogs love going out. Parks are great but try new places. Try different surfaces. Take him with you sometimes, when you go to buy a thing.
Get him familiar with different environments. If you own a vehicle, take your pup for a ride. Drive at different speeds. This may help him to get used to the motion.
Visiting Vet
Take your pup to see his vet. Get the necessary vaccination done for your pup. The environment at the vet’s office may perhaps make him uncomfortable, thus keep treats for him with you.
Train him through a Puppy Class
Find a professional puppy class for your pup. The training that he will get at this class will multiply his confidence and enhanced socialized behavior.
Why should I make my senior pup socialized?
Let’s talk about the wonderful impacts of socialization on your senior pup.
Yes, pups feel confidence as well as lack of confidence too. Making your senior pup safely and carefully socialized can most probably develop a sense of confidence in him. He can remain fearless in the presence of other dogs, pets, and people.
Familiarization with Handling
Socialization helps your pup to remain calm and unafraid when a new person pats him, hug him, or touches his food or when a vet visits happen.
Dealing with stress and tension
You can play a great role in making your pup to calm himself. Whenever he becomes aggressive, hold him, make him calm, give him his favorite meal and let him get enough space from the stressing object. The stress may happen again, but your treatment to him during this can develop in him a sense to deal with stress gradually.
Cautious behavior
Pups can also become cautious. They may feel alarmed by an object or environment. Careful socialization can help them deal with this. One important thing that you should remember during the process is that he does not have to meet all the dogs and all the people.
“Face your fears and you will get over them”, No. Do not expect your senior pup to show this kind of behavior. Let him watch from a distance. As soon as he is ready, he will become able to walk around easily. Also, socialization helps him feel that the world is a safe place.
I hope that you will be able to understand now how the socialization process works for pups and more specifically senior pups. There is a key element attached to it which you should not forget. Let me elaborate on it. It may occur to you that if for instance, you are owning two senior pups and one is responding differently to the socialization process than the other (e.g., one of them is slower).
The key element is that you must not force your pup or devastate him out of the blue with all of these things that you have learned. The socialization process is not a 2 plus 2 equals 4 formula that must work accurately and exactly. Keep the socialization process for your pup as entertainment that he enjoys.